Leaf wilting is a symptom of infection by the cassava mosaic virus, as displayed in this crop in Tanzania.
Credit: Alliance for Science
A Tanzanian farmer displays cassava infected with the black streak disease. Scientists are developing a genetically engineered variety resistant to the disease.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Tanzanian farmer, Rehema Maganga, inspects a diseased cassava plant. Researchers are using biotechnology to develop disease-resistant cassava varieties.
Credit: Alliance for Science
An ear of drought tolerant maize thrives in Tanzania's first confined field trial of a genetically engineered crop, which used the WEMA seeds.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Researchers and policy-makers inspect the progress of a WEMA crop, Tanzania's first genetically engineered confined field trial.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Drought tolerant maize thrives in Tanzania's first confined field trial of a genetically engineered crop, which used the WEMA seeds.
Credit: Alliance for Science
After losing two maize crops to drought, Said Salum Njukwage, a farmer in the Bagamoyo region of Tanzania, is looking forward to growing WEMA maize.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Tour of WEMA Field Trials in Tanzania. Researchers are looking for ways to deal with the effects of drought on maize.
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