We are the Alliance for Science
The Alliance seeks a future where science and innovation is shared and supported to help bring about a world without poverty, where people everywhere can flourish on an ecologically protected and restored planet.
Countering Misinformation
We correct misinformation and counter conspiracy theories that hinder progress in health, climate change, synthetic biology, agricultural innovations, and other key issues.
News & Views
“Training will build capacity of African scientists and give us modern biotech tools” The First 100: Celebrating African scientists applying gene editing technologies to transform national food systems Refugees in East Africa suffer from high levels of depression Orphan crops key to better diets in Africa: but how to promote them? Nobel Prize in medicine awarded for discovery of microRNAs, the molecules that control our genes AI plus gene editing promises to shift biotech into high gearSupport the Alliance
Your tax-deductible gift makes a difference in building food security, reducing poverty, improving environmental sustainability, and advancing evidence-based policies around agriculture, climate change, vaccines, and other key scientific issues of our time.