Akhter Hossain of Bangladesh compares healthy potatoes (right) to potatoes infected with late blight fungus.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Credit: Alliance for Science
Close up of potato infected by late blight fungus.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Credit: Alliance for Science
Potatoes ruined by late blight disease (left) are compared to healthy potatoes.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Credit: Alliance for Science
Friday Herbert, a Ugandan potato farmer, participates in planting genetically engineered late blight disease resistant potatoes in a late 2017 confined field trial.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Credit: Alliance for Science
Ugandan farmer Friday Herbert displays a miserable potato harvest, despite spraying twice with fungicides to help prevent losses to late blight disease.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Credit: Alliance for Science
Precision Abel Arinaitwe, manager of the Uganda confined field trial for genetically engineered late blight disease resistant potatoes, ensures uniformity in spacing while planting.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Credit: Alliance for Science
Dr. Charles Mugoya (right), chairman of Uganda's National Biotechnology Council, and Dr. Eric Magembe, a molecular biologist at the Crop Improvement Project, observe a late 2017 confined field trial for late blight disease resistant potatoes.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Credit: Alliance for Science
Local farmers participate in planting late blight resistant potatoes at a confined field trial at Rwebitaba in Fortportal, Uganda.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Credit: Alliance for Science
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