Bt brinjal farmer Hafizur Rahman shows the damage caused by fruit and shoot borer infestation of non-GMO brinjal on his farm in the Tangail district of Bangladesh.
Credit: Alliance for Science
A genetically engineered, disease-resistant, Hawaii-grown papaya is ready for eating.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Genetically engineered Bt brinjal is ready for harvest in the Tangail District of Bangladesh.
Photo: Alliance for Science
Farmer Khalilur Rahman harvests genetically engineered Bt brinjal in the Tangail district od Bangladesh .
Credit: Alliance for Science
Michael Kamiya harvests genetically engineered disease-resistant papayas on his family's farm on Oahu, Hawaii.
Credit: Alliance for Science
A banana plant genetically engineered to fight banana bacterial wilt is off to a healthy start.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Comparison of cassava leaves, the one on the left is a healthy plant while the one on the right shows signs of cassava mosaic virus.
A cassava plant in Uganda shows signs of being infected with the cassava mosaic virus.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Genetically engineered ringspot resistant papaya are ready for harvest on Ken Kamiya's Oahu, Hawaii, farm.
Credit: Alliance for Science
A worker harvests genetically engineered, disease-resistant papaya on a family farm in Hawaii.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Genetically engineered Bt brinjal (eggplant) grows at a seed production site in Bangladesh.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Genetically engineered papaya are ready for harvest on the A&T Belmes Farm in Hawaii's Big Island Puna District.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Seed collected from genetically engineered, insect resistant Bt brinjal will be shared with farmers in Bangladesh.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Spotigy, the transgenic hornless cow, was created to avoid the practice of dehorning in the cattle industry. Credit: Alliance for Science

Genetically engineered Bt brinjal (BARI variety 2) are left to ripen for seed harvest at a Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (C=BARI) regional research station in Patna, Bangladesh.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Ken Kamiya proudly displays genetically engineered ringspot resistant papaya, which he grows on his Oahu, Hawaii, farm.
Credit: Alliance for Science
A Uganda banana crop show serious damage from banana bacterial wilt, a disease that scientists hope to control through genetically engineered resistant varieties.
Credit: Alliance for Science
A close up of a genetically engineered ringspot-resistant papaya growing in Hawaii.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Alberto Belmes, who farms in the Puna District of Hawaii, was one of the first to adopt the genetically engineered papaya after the ringspot virus destroyed his crop.
Credit: Alliance for Science
Bt brinjal farmer Khalilur Rahman from Tangail District, with his harvested BARI Bt brinjal 2 variety.
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