Small-holder farmers deserve the right to choose improved seeds and modern agricultural practices that can improve their livelihoods and benefit their families. Anti-GMO activism has stalled the adoption of genetically engineered crops in many countries, contributing to the perpetuation of unsafe pesticide use, hunger, and poverty.
Improved crops hang in balance as Uganda’s Parliament revisits biosafety law
Burkina Faso loses rank as top African producer after dropping GMO cotton
A peace plan for resolving GMO conflict
Ugandan leaders seek priority release of GMO seeds in Kasese District
Your ideology, not GMOs, could be hurting the hungry
Assessing the real cost of Burkina Faso’s decision to phase out GMO cotton
Burkina Faso cotton farmers in race against time
GMO potato will cut pesticide use and keep more cash in pockets of Uganda’s farmers
Reversing the tide of progress: Burkina Faso’s cotton story