Kenya is one of the pioneering African countries gearing up with research on gene edited crops to boost food security. Among the many gene-edited products under research include disease-resistant banana and striga-resistant sorghum. African researchers are using CRISPR gene editing technology to protect these staples against diseases that affect production and livelihood for millions of farmers in Africa.
Join expert panelists Dr. Leena Tripathi, principal scientist in plant biotechnology at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); Josphat Muchiri, deputy director technical services at Kenya National Biosafety Authority (NBA), and Dr. Steven Runo, principal investigator of striga species on sorghum and associate professor at Kenyatta University as they address questions about Kenya’s readiness to adopt gene editing research and products. Specifically, they will discuss the potential of genome editing research to improve Kenya’s food security. They will also share insights into the regulatory landscape and public sector perspective in conducting gene editing research.
Doris Wangari, a biotechnology regulatory expert in Kenya, will moderate this event.

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