Ghana is one of the African countries working to improve food security and agricultural sustainability through scientific research and innovation. A number of public institutions in the country are applying cutting edge tools to improve food staples. In this webinar, four young scientists spearheading cutting-edge research on food security crops in Ghana — Dr. John Elebu, head of cowpea and soybean projects, West African Center for Crop Improvement (WACCI); Dr. Agyemang Danquah, head of tomato genetics program, WACCI; Dr. Mavis Owusuaa, molecular biotechnologist, University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR); and Dr. Daniel Ofosu, research scientist, Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI), will discuss their research.
The scientists will share why they’re motivated to use innovation to develop high quality, safe and nutritious crops to feed Ghana’s growing population. They will also talk about the challenges they encounter in their research and opportunities going forward for the development of good agricultural systems, improving food security, and promoting agricultural sustainability in the country.
Modesta Abugu, a PhD student in horticultural science and AgBiOFEWS Fellow at North Carolina State University, will be moderating this webinar.

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