In the inaugural session of our “GMO Firsts” series, Tony Shelton of Cornell University and Arif Hossain of Farming Future Bangladesh will take us down memory lane to 2013, when Bangladesh commercialized Bt brinjal (eggplant), South Asia’s first GMO food crop. They’ll share how and why the idea of a transgenic brinjal was conceived, discuss the institutions and researchers behind its creation, explain the long process that led finally to deregulation and share the excitement of the big day when Bt brinjal was planted in a farmer’s field. They will wrap up with some figures on how Bt brinjal has changed farmers’ livelihoods and health. Did you know that Bt brinjal brought about a 77 percent reduction in pesticide use? Register and listen to this amazing “GMO Firsts” story.
It will also be live-streamed on Facebook.

Bookings are no longer available for this event.