Science-based agriculture can preserve critical indigenous foods, such as cowpea, matoke (banana), cassava, and common beans, while reducing the environmental impacts of farming. On average, genetically engineered crops have cut chemical pesticide use by 37%, increased crop yields by 22%, boosted farmer profits by 38%, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking 12 million cars off the road.
Australia, EU say some plant breeding methods exempt from GMO rules
Burkina Faso is moving forward with GMO research
Witnessing India’s GMO cotton revolution
Leading Latin American college endorses use of GMO crops
Commentary: Listen to Uganda’s scientists
A peace plan for resolving GMO conflict
Burkina Faso’s GMO cotton mistakes won’t be repeated in Africa, stakeholders say
Research breakthrough will help protect world’s wheat crop
Assessing the real cost of Burkina Faso’s decision to phase out GMO cotton